Getting started - Guide.
Learn how to use Readel.
Install the extension.
You can install the extension here, the Google Chrome store. You will be prompted to login to a Google account.
If you aren't pompted to sign in click on the "Readel icon" in the extension tab, where you will find a login button.
Get listening.
Once Readel is installed, you will be able to find a blue play button on pages with more than 200 characters. You will see the icon on the right, middle side of the screen when available.
The play button will appear one webpages with lots of text content, like this one.
Change settings.
You can change settings like playback speed, volume, voice and voice quality.
Change these settings by hovering over the play button displayed on any webpage. A row of buttons will apear. These will allow you to change the settings.
You can find these settings in the pop up. Find the extensions tab on your browser, and click on the Readel icon. Here you will be able to change the voice and voice quality. Make this more accessible by pinning the Readel extension.
Try the Playground.
I have built a place where you can try and explore the extension. Be aware that using the playground will use up your daily character quota.
Try it out.
Try out the extension. Either click the play button on the right of the screen, or highlight this text, right click and select "Read aloud".
*End of the guide*